Second time to the Harvard University, a dialogue on brain and meditation took place between me and some neuroscientists. In my speech, I expressed my view on the findings of neuroscience from a Buddhist point of view. Scientists discover that mind can reshape the brain. Although this is very close to the Buddhist view, the current findings in science are analogous to seeing the water moves when a fish swimming near the surface of the water, but not the fish itself, that is, only seeing some traces of the movement of consciousness.

~ Khenpo's blog published on 29 May 2016

A neuroscientist and I discussed the relation between the brain and consciousness. His view is that, based on the current research, the brain alone cannot explain the nature of consciousness for two reasons: first, so far the brain has proven too complex to understand it fully, and second, it has been found that in reality there are some mental phenomena that cannot have been produced by the brain.

After a speech at Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan, some of the students shared with me reflections about their thoughts and feelings. I found that they had obtained some benefit and felt very pleased, as this is my aspiration and aim.

At Caltech, visited the residence where Einstein taught at the California Polytechnic University. He believes that religion needs science and that science needs religion. He once said: "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." 

I gave lectures and engaged in some scholarly dialogue at Kyoto University in Japan. Most of the future politicians, scientists, and entrepreneurs will emerge from these global institutions of higher learning. The world of the future is in their hands. If they love peace and have altruistic aspirations, then there is hope for the world.